Many may think that they solved the problem known to us as Mr.O – Othniel Iyassa Sa Anga – but I suggest that they go back and check their work. No equation could shed light on the past of Othniel, such as him being a soccer player and even being the highest goal scorer; but our focus lies in his path to becoming a teacher and even the roads he plans to pave in the future.
Living in Cameroon, a country in South Africa, and fresh out of highschool with a degree in mathematics and physics, Othniel set his sights on university. If you were to ask him what he wanted to be, however, you would receive a much different answer than expected.
“I wanted to be an engineer, that’s what was on my mind” Othniel said. “In our country, there isn’t so much freedom on what you can study at college or university. By the time I left highschool, I had a better degree in mathematics than physics. When I decided to go study physics in the university, I was not admitted.” With the path to being an engineer obstructed, Othniel switched his view onto another path. After Graduating with a mathematics degree from the University of Buea, he began his career as a teacher in 2015, the origin of Mr.O. Starting out, Othniel taught pure math, further math, and statistics and later he even served as the HOD for math at GBHS Maroua, his last school. But then, on August 9th, 2023, Othniel left Africa and came to teach here in Lawrence Central High School. But how did he come to take the post as a geometry teacher? “That was because of the vacancy that was available for the school.” Othniel stated. “Ms.Pitlar, who used to be in the same class, used to be a geometry analyst teacher associate but left to go teach in college. It was her space that was available.”
So Othniel took the mantle and began teaching geometry, though that’s not to say he doesn’t have plans beyond his current position. He plans to take his career even further and become a university professor.
“I still have that plan of becoming a university teacher one day.” Othniel announced.”One day, maybe your younger brother or your junior will get to a college or university and meet Mr.O.”
For a man who originally wanted to become an engineer, what could have motivated him to be so passionate about teaching? During his fourth year at University, just one interaction implemented the idea into Othniel’s head.
“We were having a conversation with a lecturer and he was saying that very soon he will retire and that he needs people, he needs us, to get involved in mathematics so that we can come and replace him.”
So even though it may not have been his first choice, teaching has become his passion and a part of his life. But what about those who don’t share this motivation? Othniel shares his insights on the meaning of motivation.
“Internal motivation, motivation coming from within, is the most important. Your teacher does not have to push you, your friends can not deter you. You, as a student, need to first define your purpose for life, what you want to achieve. Once you know that, build a value system or belief system that will support that purpose. So once you say something like “I want to be an engineer”, you know you need to get a good background in mathematics and begin to work towards that purpose. “What you reap in performance, you sow in preparation.”